Allspice the Caribbean Cure
Warning: The highly concentrated oil should never be swallowed.
Botanical name: Pimenta officinalis, Pimenta diocia (L) Merr. ,
Chinese Botanical name:
This is a clear statement from the book:
“The Healing Herbs – The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicines” by – Michael Castleman
Medical Reviewer: Sheldon Saul Hendler, M.D., Ph.D. Biochemist, Researcher, and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California San Diego; Copyright 1991; ISBN: 0-87857-934-6; Page 40-41
—Description— #
· Allspice is a member of the Myrtaceae Family, other members include Myrtle.
· It is also known as Pimento, Pimenta, Jamaican Pepper, and Clove Pepper.
· Parts used: Mature, but unripe, green berries.
—Medicinal Action and Uses— #
· DIGESTIVE AID: Allspice oil is rich in eugenol, a chemical also found in clove and several other healing herbs. Eugenol may promote activity of digestive enzymes.
· PAIN RELIEVER: Eugenol has also been found to be effective as a pain reliever, by applying the crushed berries to painful muscles and joints, (this practice is used in Guatemalan folk medicine).
· ANESTHETIC: Dentists use eugenol as a local anesthetic for teeth and gums. It is one of the chemical ingredients in some over-the-counter toothache remedies.
—Nutrient Source—
—Side Effects or Negative Effects—
· Allspice is a mild antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage that scientist say eventually causes cancer.
· Eugenol weakly promotes tumor growth, and at this time it is suggested that people with cancer avoid allspice.
—References— Veek, M. E. and G. F. Russell. 1973. Journal of Food Science 38:1028.
Recipe: As a digestive aid, prepare an infusion using 1 to 2 teaspoons of allspice powder per cup of boiling water. Steep 10 to 20 minutes and strain. Drink up to 3 cups a day. Allspice has a warm, pleasant mix of flavors, including cinnamon, pepper, juniper and cloves.
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