Anise Hyssop

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Anise Hyssop

3 min read

Anise Hyssop: 


Anise is traditional used for bloating, , , , , , flu, , nausea, poor appetite, .

—Botanical name— Agastache foeniculum; Lamiaceae (Mint)

—Botanical family— Lamiaceae (Mint)

—Chinese Botanical name—


—Physiological Character— Antibacterial, antiemetic, antifungal, breath freshener, diaphoretic #

—Parts used— Fruits (“seeds”)

—Cultivation— This perennial plant is native to North America and can be found in moist, open woods, along lakes and streams, and in wet ditches and prairies.  It grows to about three feet in height.  The opposite leaves are oval at the base, pointed at the tip, and roughly textured.  The top surface of the leaves is green, but the bottom surface bears soft gray hear.  The bluish purple flowers produce nectar throughout the day and are known to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, honeybees, and, at dusk, the elusive hummingbird moth.

The seeds can be sown directly into the soil in late spring.  The plant will tolerate a range of conditions, from full sun to partial shade, as well as sandy, clayey, or gravelly soil.  It requires light to moderate amounts of water.

—Constituents— Essential oil (cinnamic aldehyde, caryophyllene, pogostol, benzaldehyde, eugnol), marrubiin

—Medicinal Action and Uses—   Anise hyssop clears excessive dampness in the stomach and spleen and heaviness in the chest.  It also stimulates the gastrointestinal system.  It is used as a preventive for heat stroke and summer colds. #

The leaves are used topically as a compress for , , fever, headache, heatstroke, and herpes.  The plant is excellent in baths and foot-baths for simply cooling off or for treating sunburn and fungal conditions such as athlete’s foot and yeast overgrowth.

—Nutrient Source—

—Flavor— Anise hyssop is considered a very safe herb.

—Side Effects or Negative Effects—

—Contraindications— Anise hyssop is considered a very safe herb.     


—References— “The Healing – The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicine” by – Michael Castleman, Copyright 1991, ISBN: 0-87857-934-6; Pages  49-52


–References— “Nutritional Herbology” A Reference Guide to Herbs By – Mark Pedersen ISBN: 1-885653-07-7 Copyright 2008

—References— “Healing Herbal Teas” A Complete Guide to Making Delicious, Healthful Beverages.  By – Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. ISBN – 13: 978-59120-110-6 and ISBN – 10: 1-59120-110-1 Copyright 2006

—References—  Herbal Medicine The Natural Way to Get Well and Stay Well; By Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D ISBN – 0-517-147647-x; Copyright 1996

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