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[Daucus carota ]


Warning: No known interactions.

—Botanical name— Daucus carota (LINN.) A Modern Herbal;

—Chinese Botanical name—

This information clearly states that the Carrot does have benefit.

—Description— All the leaves embrace the stem with the sheathing base, which is so characteristic of this group of plants, the Umbelliferae, to which the Carrot belongs. The blossoms are densely clustered together with white flowers. The wild Carrot is in bloom from June to August, but often continues flowering much longer. The flowers themselves are very small, but from their whiteness and number. The fruit is slightly flattened, with numerous bristles arranged in five rows. , , Deobstruent. An infusion of the whole herb is considered an active and valuable remedy in the treatment of dropsy, chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones and affections of the bladder. The seeds are carminative, stimulant and very useful in , windy , hiccough, dysentery, infant diarrhea, chronic coughs, very useful in gravel and stone, are good against flatulence and are good with malt liquor for scorbutic disorders. An infusion of the root was also used as an aperient. In country districts, raw Carrots are still sometimes given to children for expelling worms, and the boiled roots, mashed to a pulp, are sometimes used as a cataplasm for application to ulcers and cancerous sores. Aid many eye problems, relieve most problems, and help overcome many glandular disturbances, can be used every day to regulate a menstrual period.

—Parts Used Medicinally— The whole herb, collected in July; the seeds and root. The whole herb is the part now more generally in use.

—Medicinal Action and Uses— The infusion of tea, made from one ounce of the herb in a pint of boiling water, is taken in wineglassful doses. Carrot tea, taken night and morning, and brewed from one ounce of herb in a pint of boiling water, is taken in wineglassful, is considered excellent for lithic acid or gouty disposition. A strong decoction is very useful in gravel and stone, and is good against flatulence.  #

Carrots are full of benefits—they may promote healthy vision, balance your blood sugar, help with weight management, lower your risk of cancer, regulate , reduce heart disease, , and boost brain health. You won’t regret incorporating more of this vegetable into your diet.

The seeds, bruised, were at one time considered a valuable remedy for calculus complaints. They are excellent in obstructions of the viscera, in jaundice and in the beginnings of edema, and are also of service as an emmenagogue (A drug or agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow.). The seeds communicate an agreeable flavor to malt liquor, if infused in it while in the vat, and render it a useful drink in scorbutic disorders (Scurvy).

Carrot soup works by preventing the severe loss of body fluid and by supplying water to overcoming dehydration.

Old herbal books tell us that a made of the roots has been found to mitigate the pain of cancerous ulcers, and that the leaves, applied with honey, cleanse running sores and ulcers.

—Nutrient Source— Carrots are rich in Vitamins A, B, C, and contains amounts of E and K, as well as phosphorous, potassium, calcium and pectin.

—Side Effects or Negative Effects— no known side effects or negative effects.

—References— “Herbal Medicine – The Natural way to Get Well and Stay Well” by – Dian Dincin Buchman, PhD – Copyright 1979, 1996 – ISBN: 0-517-14767-x  – Page 83-84 ;

—References—  A Modern Herbal


—Recipe— Grate carrots into the tiniest pieces and dry them in your food dryer.  Add carrots to soups used in a capsule or in pill form ( add to scrambled eggs or roll in cream cheese, herbal drinks, vegetable juices, or other foods.) a potent remedy to overcome , glandular disturbances, , or joint problems.

—Recipe—: Carrot cake with the frosting.

Carrot ~ Daucus carota
Carrot ~ Daucus carota

Generated on June 25, 2007
Updated on November 3, 2008

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