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13 min read

 Traditional used and method of use for .

Gentian Root, Raspberry Leaves, Buchu Leaves, Saw Palmetto, Juniper Berries, Huckleberry Leaves, Uva-Ursi, Chromium, Magnesium, Sodium, Cactus, Burdock, Elecampane, Golden Seal, Juniper, Marshmallow.

Gentian Root:

Part used:  Root.

Gentian Root contains B-Complex, Inositol, Niacin, F. Manganese, Silicon, Sulfur, Tin, Lead and Zinc.

Gentian Root has a great deal of uses; it is rich in natural plant sugars, including sucrose. These sugars help the breakdown and proper assimilation of food into the system.  Gentian’s chief action is upon the and stomach.

For all cases of debility caused by great illness, Gentian can be used.  For Diabetic is has the ability secrete bile from the Gallbladder and increases circulation in the body. 

Time of Administration:


Raspberry Leaf (Rubus Idaeus):

Part used:  Leaf.

Raspberry Leaf contains Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and F and the minerals Phosphorus, Magnesium and Calcium.

Raspberry Leaf has a great deal of uses, for Diabetic is has been used to treat hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). 

Time of Administration:

Morning to evening.

Buchu Leaves:

Part used:  Leaves.

Buchu leaves contains mucilage resin, calcium oxalate and volatile oil containing diosphenol.  The odor of the oil is caused by its high Sulfur content.

Buchu leaves has a great deal of uses; the leaves can help stabilize the blood sugar level at the early stages of diabetes type 1.  In type 2 and 3 Buchu leaves will stabilize the blood sugar. 

Time of Administration:

Late afternoon.

Saw Palmetto (Sereno Serru Lata):

Part used:  Fruit.

Saw Palmetto contains Vitamin A, Alkaloids, Resin, Dextrin, , Volatile Oil, and Fixed Oil (12%).

Saw Palmetto has a great deal of uses, one of the things that it does is rebuild the body by feeding the endocrine system so that the atrophied flesh is rebuilt.  In Diabetic it has a nutritional effect on the glandular systems; this can be effectively used to combat diabetes in the early stages and/or in Type 1, 2 and 3.  

Time of Administration:

Anytime as Needed.

Black Huckleberry Leaves (Vaccinum membranaceum):

Part used:  Leaves.

Huckleberry leaves and finely chopped stems contain quinic acid, the leaves have been widely used to lower or modify blood sugar levels, particularly in Europe.  Taken on regular basis, huckleberry tea will gradually help alleviate both glycosuria and hyperglycemia and has a benign but useful effect as an adjunct treatment to diabetes mellitus.

Time of Administration:

Anytime as Needed.

Uva-Ursi (Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi):

Part used:  Leaves.

Uva-Ursi contains Arbutin, Allantion, and Tannins.

Uva-Ursi has a great deal of uses, for a Diabetic remedy to decrease excessive sugar in the system. 

Time of Administration:

As needed.

Chromium: Is an essential mineral, it is an integral part of many enzymes and hormones.  It works well as a co—factor with insulin to move glucose from the blood into the cells.  It is needed for proper sugar in the body, and is usually needed by diabetics. 

Chromium is influential in reducing plaque buildup in .

Natural Sources:

Normally present in natural mineral water, brewer’s yeast, liver, raw sugar, and cane juice.

Magnesium: Half of the Magnesium in the body is combined with Calcium and Phosphorus in the bones, assuring the strength and firmness of the bones and teeth. The remainder of the magnesium is in the muscles, red blood cells, and other soft tissue.

Magnesium is an important catalyst in many enzyme reactions, especially those involved in energy production.  When the energy production is not burning well it will affect your glucose burn.  In the slow glucose burn diabetes will increase you levels. 

Natural Sources:

Kelp, almonds, cashews, dulse, soybeans, raw and cooked leafy vegetables, figs, apples, safflower, and sesame.

Raw Juice Sources: 

Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, limes, plums, spinach, dandelion leaves, mustard greens, lettuce, apples, grapes, savory cabbage, pomegranates, sugar beet tops, cherries, corn, peaches, and pears.

Sodium:  Sodium is a blood electrolyte, and is responsible for making blood minerals soluble.  In Diabetic Sodium is lacking when the body starts to perspire excessively and starts to dehydrate casing dry parched lips, and can result in . Also it is preventing absorption of enough oxygen to burn up food carbons.

Natural Sources:

Kelp, Irish moss, olives, dulse, and celery.

Raw juice Sources:

Celery, Carrots, Okra, Spinach, Strawberries, Apples, asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, Gooseberries, Plums, Radishes, Swiss chard, Turnips.

Cactus (Cactoceae):  Cactus is helpful to person who has diabetes, infection hemorrhaging and .

Cactus is an internal cleanser.  The Nopal pads of the Prickly Pear also contain natural, organic insulin which will strengthen the pancreas and help overcome Diabetes.

Time of Administration:


Burdock (Arctium Lappa): 

Part used:  Root

Burdock root contains inulin, mucilage, sugar, lappin resin, fixed and volatile oil, and some tannic acid.  It contains good amounts of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and Iron.  It also contains some amounts of A, P, B-complex, E, PABA, Sulfur, Silicon, Potassium, Copper, Iodine and Zinc.

Burdock stimulates and nourishes the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to help adjust the hormone balance in the body.

Burdock is one of the best blood purifiers for chronic infection, arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases and sciatica.  It can reduce swelling around joints and break down calcification deposits.  It also clears the kidney of excess wastes and uric acid by increasing the flow of urine.  Burdock is excellent for Gout.

Time of Administration:

Morning and afternoon.

Elecampane (Inula Helenium): 

Part used:  Root

Elecampane contains Calcium, Potassium, and Sodium.

Elecampane is one of the richest sources of natural insulin and can be helpful to Diabetics.

Time of Administration:


Golden Seal (Hydrasic Canadensis): 

Part used:  Leaf, Rhizume and Root

Golden Seal contains Vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and F.  It also contains minerals Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Iron, Zinc and Sodium.

Golden Seal has a great deal of uses, for Diabetic is has the ability to lower blood sugar.  Golden Sea should not be used more than 10 days at one time.

Time of Administration:

Though out the day.

Juniper (Juniperis Species): 

Part used:  Berries.

Juniper Berries are high in Vitamin C, Sulfur, and Copper, and have a high content of Cobalt and a trace of Tin.

Juniper Berries has a great deal of uses, for Diabetic is has the ability to heal Diabetes.  Juniper Berries will help restore the function of the Pancreas which malfunctions and will cause Diabetes.

Time of Administration:

Though out the day.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis): 

Part used:  Root, Flowers, and Leaves.

Marshmallow contains about 18,000 IU per ounce of Vitamin A.  It is also high in Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Sodium, Iodine, B-Complex, and Pantothenic Acid.

Marshmallow has a great deal of uses, for Diabetic is has the ability to help Diabetes. 

Time of Administration:

Though out the day.

Adrenal Gland: 

The M.R.T. test:  The acupuncture point for the Adrenal gland is found in the center of the body, approximately 2 to 3 inches above the navel.

The medulla manufactures Epinephrine (Adrenaline) and Norepinephrine (Noradrenalin). The outer portion, which is the adrenal cortex, produces glucocorticoids (steroids) which, among other things, are involved in blood sugar regulation and inflammatory response.

Raw Adrenal substance was the first widely used glandular, and is presently the most popular.  For years, it has been specified for carbohydrate dysfunctions (hypoglycemia and diabetes), , and improving resistance to infection and allergies.  In stressful situations, the Adrenal glands must send various hormones to organs that counteract stress.  This cannot be maintained for a long period of time without exhausting the supply of nutrients that feed the Adrenal glands.  For Diabetics stress is more harmful due to the exhausting of the Adrenal glands.

Diabetes is Hyperglycemia, high blood sugar. Dr. Donald Lepore and his client have found that diabetes can be cured by getting rid of the allergies that the person has.  If sugar is found in the urine or is in high concentrations in the blood, the person is considered diabetic and may be given insulin or hypoglycemic drugs to lower the blood sugar level.  High blood sugar is destructive to the eyes, bones, , and arteries, so the use of insulin to control sugar is justified.   However, taking insulin needlessly can shorten the life span by fifteen years or more, so it is important to find out the cause of diabetes.

One causation is lack of Chromium, which manufactures insulin in the body.  Many health and nutrition—conscious people will advise taking GTF (glucose tolerance factor), which is a combination of Niacin, Chromium, and L-Glutamine in a yeast base.  Most people are allergic to yeast due the fact the body is out of balance.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease occurs when there is a lack of the amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. Many doctors are not aware this is possible in adults because it is basically a childhood disease, but it can occur in an adult if these amino acids are lacking, or not in balanced.  When they are not balanced, sugar will show in the urine and the condition is sometimes mistaken for diabetes.  By balancing these amino acids, the urine sugar normalizes, and therefore the presumed diabetes is corrected.

There are many herbs that I have listed above that can be used to burn up excess sugar in the body.  Dr. Donald Lepore would advise that all of these things are to be taken at night before retiring because when they start to take effect and burn up the sugar in the body, the person may begin to crave sweets to replace the sugar.  My research has showed that the herbs should be taken as stated.   Your body should be fuel with nutritional food to stop the craving in moderate amounts.

Dr. Christopher uses Juniper Berry to control the sugars in diabetic and the sugar carvings.  A balanced program would also include minerals such as Chromium which helps to manufacture insulin in the body, and the others listed above.

Dr. Donald Lepore technique for M.R.T.:

1.       Stand facing the person to be tested.

2.      Rub the client’s thymus gland for fifteen seconds.

The thymus gland is about 2 ½ inches below the Adam’s Apple to the right and left of the center, about 2 to 3 inches apart.

3.      Rub the mastoid gland behind both ears.

The mastoid gland is directly below the bony protuberance behind the ears.

4.      Have the person to be tested to lift the left arm while you hold the right shoulder with you left hand and press on the left arm 1 ½ inches above the wrist.  Use only 2 fingers of your right hand to ensure you do not over force the person’s arm.  This is not a test of strength but a test of resistance.

5.      At this point the person’s arm should not go down.  The right arm should be at the side of the person.

6.      This must be done for the person being tested and the person giving the test so that too much   pressure is not given to the arm that is being tested.  The arm should stay in place at this point. 

It is important that the person being tested keeps their tongue off of the roof of their mouth.  It will interfere with the testing.

7.      When testing herbs, nutrition or medicine it should be held with their right hand at their center.  About the naval area.

8.     When test the herbs or medicine you will see when is so much or not enough. 

Length of time – The results of this test will tell you how much is needed by the body.  If the arm goes down or feels weak, it could mean that the substance is too much, or not enough.  So if the arm feels weak, add more of the substance you are testing and try again.  If the arm fees weaker yet, this means that the substance is too much and should be but back down until the arm shows strong.  When the arm feels strong and rigid, this will mean that the person is holding the exact amount required for their body at that time.

It is important that you do not use the sugar-burning herbs while the person is still using Diabinese or Insulin, as this will create too much insulin in the system which might make the person go into insulin shock, but to used Chromium, Potassium and Juniper Berry. Once the person is off the Diabinese or Insulin then you start with one of the sugar burning herbs, always do the M.R.T. first so see how much the person will need.  Then add on a weekly bases.

Withdrawing a person from Insulin should be a gradual process, and the insulin amount should be checked regularly.  To test the amount of insulin you will use the M.R.T. as mentioned before. Take the type of insulin the person is using and drop around half the amount (if they are taking say 30ccs of N or P insulin, try 15 ccs) into a cotton ball.  Have the person hold this to the solar plexus while you pump the right arm.  If the arm still goes down, add more until the arm is strong.  When the arm is strong, this means that the amount that is in the hand is what is presently needed by the person.

In about 1 week the M.R.T. test should be done early in the morning, before the insulin and nutrients have been taken, to get a true count of the insulin.  This should be done over a period of time, with testing be done weekly, until the person gets stronger and needs less insulin.

—References— “The Ultimate Healing System – The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition” by – Donald Lepore, N.D.

 Copyright 1985,  ISBN: 0-94717-11560-7,  Pages 58, 65, 80, 150, 160, 169, 174, 179, 248, 281

—References— “USDA – United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service” Contributed by – USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center & Oregon Plant Materials Center.

 Copyright 1985,  Edited: 19se00 jsp; 060818 jsp,  Page 4

—References— “School of Natural Healing    Herbal Reference Guide   by – Dr. John R. Christopher.

 Copyright 2001,  ISBN-10: 1-879436-01-9, Page 582

Generated on July 28, 2008

Updated on July 29, 2008

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