O – Definition of Ailments

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O – Definition of Ailments

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“A” to “Z” Therapeutic Properties & Flower Remedies

Generated on 9/18/2008

Updated on 2/18/2009

Updated on 2/22/23

As all of you know I am done working on my Master Herbalist degree and moving on to my Doctor of Naturopath (ND). As I’m working along it seem to me that I was always looking up words to understand this foreign language, lol, so I decide to bring this to you, now all of us can understand together. 

Click on the hyper-link below to find what you are looking for (to move around this growing document or just scroll).

If you find a word that is not in this document please email the word to me at melody@melodyanns.com I will be happy to add it.


–   Oak (Flower Remedies) – For those in despair, but not willing to give up.  This type is brave and struggles on despite feelings of despondency.  Plodder.

– Obesity – A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities. Obesity occurs when a person’s body mass index is 30 or greater. The main symptom is excessive body fat, which increases the risk of serious health problems. The mainstay of treatment is lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.

–   Obovate – Refers to leaf shape; oval, but broader toward the apex.

–   Occlusion – Closing or obstruction of a hollow organ or body part.

–   Occult blood test – A test that detects the presence of blood in bodily excretions such as stool, sputum, or urine.  It is most often used in screening for .

–   Oestrogen – See estrogen.

–   Oestrogenic – A substance affecting female sexual functions.

–   Off label – A drug prescribed for conditions other than those indicated on the label.

–   Ointment – Substance used to soothe or heal skin; salve; unguent.

–   Oleo gum resin – A natural exudation from trees and plants that consists mainly of essential oil, gum, and resin.

–   Oleoresin – A natural resinous exudation from plants; an liquid preparation extracted from botanical matter using solvents.

–   Olfaction – The sense of smell.

–   Olive (Flower Remedies) – For those in despair, but not willing to give up. This type is brave and struggles on despite feelings of despondency.  Plodders.

–   Oncologist – A cancer specialist.

–   Oncology – The medical specialty dealing with cancer. 

–   Open trial – A drug trial is “open” when doctors and participants know which drug is being administered. See also Double-blind study.

–   Opiate – Derivative of opium that depresses the central , relieves pain, and induces sleep.

–   Ophthalmia – Inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the eye.

–   Opportunistic – Designating disease or occurring only under certain conditions, as when the is impaired.

–   Opthalmic – Healing to disorders and diseases of the eyes.

–   Organ – Collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve common function.

–   Organic – A term used to describe foods that are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, and hormones. In the chemical sense, refers to all compounds containing carbon.

–   Organic disorder – Disorder associated with physiological changes in the structure of an organ or tissue.

–   Osteoarthritis – Joint cartilage disease that causes pain and impaired joint function and occurs in later life, due to overuse of a joint or as a complication of rheumatoid arthritis.

–   Osteomyelitis – Inflammation of the bone marrow. of the bone, especially the marrow.

–   Osteopathy – A system of medicine based on the belief that the body is a vital mechanical organism whose structural and functional integrity are coordinated and interdependent, and that disturbances in the can therefore cause disorders elsewhere in the body.  Because of this philosophy, although osteopaths can prescribe drugs and perform surgery, they are more likely to recommend physical therapy or musculoskeletal manipulation s the treatment of first choice. Treatment of disease by manipulation and massage of the musculoskeletal system.

–   Osteopenia – Low bone mass.

–    – A disorder in which minerals leach out of the bones, rendering them progressively more porous and fragile. Loss of bony matrix that causes brittle bones due to injury, infection, or old age.

–   OTC (over the counter) – Medication available without a doctor’s prescription.

–   Otorrhea – A discharge from the outer ear.

–   Ovate – Egg-shaped.

–   Ovulation – The release of an egg from one of the ovaries.

–   Oxidation – A chemical reaction in which oxygen reacts with another substance, resulting in a chemical transformation.  Many oxidation reactions result in some type of deterioration or spoilage.

–   Oxytocic – A substance that stimulates uterine contractions to induce and assist labor in childbirth. An agent that stimulates labor contractions.

–   Oxytocics – Remedies which stimulate uterine contraction, and hasten childbirth.

–   Oxyuris – Genus of nematode intestinal which includes pinworms (also called threadworm and seatworm).

–   Ozena – A chronic, fetid nasal discharge.

—References— “Advanced Treatise in Herbology” by – Edward E. Shook, N.D., D.C.  Copyright by Wendell W. Whitman 302 E. Winona Avenue, Warsaw, IN  46580.

—References— Business Dictionary.com http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/anaerobic.html

—References— “Dicitionary.com” http://www.dictionary.com

—References— “From the Shepherd’s Purse” by – Max G. Barlow, Copyright 1990, ISBN 0-9602812-0-7.

—References— Medicine Net.com http://www.medterms.com

—References— Medical Herbalism The Science and practice of herbal medicine by David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG, Copyright 2003, ISBN – 0-89281-749-6 

—References— “Nutritional Herbology” by – Mark Pedersen, Copyright 2008, ISBN – 10: 1-885653-07-7; ISBN – 13: 978-1-885653-07-9

—References—  Planetary Herbology by – Michael Tierra, C.A., N.D., Copyright 1988, ISBN – 0-941524-27-2

—References— “Prescription for Healing” by – Phyllis A. Balch,  CNC,    Copyright 2006,  ISBN: 1-58333-236-7.

—References— “The Ultimate Healing System – The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition” by – Donald Lepore, N.D.

 Copyright 1985, ISBN: 0-94717-11560-7.

—References— WebMD http://www.webmd.com/default.htm

—References—  Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

—References— A Modern Herbal – https://botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/comindx.html

—References— Henriette’s Herbal Home – https://www.henriettes-herb.com/faqs/index.html


Note: Information and statements about the products on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.  You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication.  If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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