Safety Guidelines per the Botanical Safety Handbook

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Safety Guidelines per the Botanical Safety Handbook

8 min read

Available through the American Botanical Council

Special Precautions
AlfalfaDo not eat Alfalfa seed.
Aloe VeraAloe vera – Flush burns with cold water before applying herbal remedies. Serious burns require medical attention. (For external use on minor burns).
AngelicaAngelica is not to be used if pregnant. Angelica may cause a in those exposed to sun.
Apple malus communisAvoid eating Apple malus communis seeds of any apple as they contain high levels of the powerful poison cyanide.
 AshwagandhaAshwagandha is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
BalmBalm can interfere with a thyroid-stimulating hormone. If you have a thyroid problem, consult your physician before using it.  
BarberryBarberry is not to be used if pregnant.
BayberryBayberry can alter the body’s potassium/sodium balance. If you have high blood pressure, disease, or kidney disease, consult your physician before using it.
Black hawBlack haw contains salicin, a close chemical relative of aspirin.
Black cohoshBlack cohosh is not to be used if pregnant. Women with heart disease should consult their physician before using black cohosh; it can depress the heart rate. Black Cohosh overdose may cause dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, diarrhea, , vomiting, visual dimness, headache, tremors, joint , and depressed heart rate. 
Black walnutBlack walnut is not for long term use.
BladderwrackBladderwrack is not to be used if pregnant.
Blessed thistleBlessed thistle is not to be used if pregnant.
Blue cohoshBlue cohosh is not to be used if pregnant.   No one with high blood pressure, heart disease, , glaucoma, or a history of stroke should use blue cohosh.
Blue vervainBlue vervain is not to be used if pregnant.
BuckthornBuckthorn may cause severe intestinal cramps.
BorageBorage is not to be used if pregnant.
BuckthornBuckthorn is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
CabbageDo not take Cabbage when thyroid disease is present due to small amounts of an Isothiocyanate.
Cascara SagradaCascara Sagrada may cause severe intestinal cramps.
CatnipCatnip is not to be used if pregnant.
Cayenne pepperCayenne pepper is a natural blood thinner – do not take before surgery! Test before using cayenne on skin.  Can damage contact lens and the eye.
CeleryLong-term use of celery can deplete potassium stores.
CentauryCentaury is useful over pain of muscular rheumatism.
Chaste treeChaste tree is not to be used if pregnant.
CocoaCocoa contains caffeine, which can cause and possible addiction.
CoffeeCoffee contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia and possible addiction.
ColtsfootColtsfoot is not to be used if pregnant.
ComfreyComfrey Root and leaves usually wild crafted, note do not confuse with foxglove leaves.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
DandelionLong-term use of dandelion may deplete potassium stores. Dandelion Flower and root will help with too much time in front of a computer screen.
Dong quaiDong quai is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
ElecampaneElecampane is not to be used if pregnant.
EphedraEphedra can elevate blood pressure.  It should not be used by people with high blood pressure.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
FenugreekFenugreek has some estrogenic action., Women who have been advised not to take the Pill or who have a history of should consult their physician before using it.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
GlucosamineGlucosamine do not use if allergic to shellfish.
GoldensealGoldenseal is not to be used if pregnant.
Greater CelandineGreater Celandine the whole plant is toxic, containing a range of alkaloids, such as Chelerythrine; it may also cause contact , particularly the latex. Use in moderation and for limited time periods.
Guar gumGuar gum is use with at least 8 oz. of water.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
HorehoundHorehound is not to be used if pregnant.
Horny goatHorny goat is not for long term use.
HorsetailsLong-term use of horsetail may deplete potassium stores.
HydrangeaHydrangea is not for long term use.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
HerbsSpecial Precautions
JuniperJuniper is not to be used if pregnant nor for long term use. Long-term use of Juniper may deplete potassium stores.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
KolaKola contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia and possible addiction.
Kola nutKola nut is not for long term use.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Lemon grassLemon grass is not to be used if pregnant.
LicoriceLicorice is not to be used if pregnant nor for long term use. Long-term use of large amounts of licorice may cause water retention, elevated blood pressure, headache, and hormone imbalance (pseudoaldosteronism).
LobeliaLobelia is not to be used if pregnant.
LyciiLycii is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
MandrakeMandrake – Consult health practitioner before use.
Mate’Mate’ contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia and possible addiction.
MistletoeMistletoe can slow the heart rate and affect pressure.  If you have heart disease, consult your physician before using it.
MotherwortMotherwort is not to be used if pregnant.
MugwortMugwort is not to be used if pregnant.
MyrrhMyrrh is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
NettleLong-term use of nettle can deplete potassium stores.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Oregon grapeOregon grape is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
ParsleyLong-term use of parsley can deplete potassium stores.
Parsley rootParsley root is not to be used if pregnant.
PeachPeach is not to be used if pregnant.
PennyroyalPennyroyal is not to be used if pregnant. Pennyroyal oil is poisonous. Do not ingest.
PleurisyPleurisy is not to be used if pregnant.
Prickly ashPrickly ash is not to be used if pregnant.
PsylliumPsyllium is to be used with at least 8 oz of water.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Queen of the meadowQueen of the meadow is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Red cloverRed clover is not to be used if pregnant. Red clover all has some estrogenic action.  Women who have been advised not to take the Pill or who have a history of breast cancer should consult their physician before using these herbs.
RhubarbRhubarb may cause severe intestinal cramps.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
SafflowerSafflower is not to be used if pregnant.
SavorySavory is especially good for children because it’s so mild.
SennaSenna is not to be used if pregnant. Senna may cause severe intestinal cramps.
Shepherd’s purseShepherd’s purse is not to be used if pregnant. Shepherd’s purse can cause powerful uterine contractions. Shepherd’s purse is used to induce labor requires medical supervision.
SpikenardSpikenard is not to be used if pregnant. 
St. John’s wortSt. John’s wort acts like an MAO-inhibitor, a class of drugs that interact with a number of foods and other drugs.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
TansyTansy is not to be used if pregnant.
Tea (Black)Tea (Black) contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia and possible addiction.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Uva ursiUva ursi is not to be used if pregnant. Long-term use of uva ursi can deplete potassium stores.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
VervainVervain can depress the heart rate and constrict bronchial passages.  If you have heart disease or , consult your physician before using it. Long-term use of vervain may deplete potassium stores.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
Wild cherryWild cherry is not for long term use. The leaves of wild cherry are poisonous when wilted because of the prussic acid contained in them. The seeds and bark are also poisonous, although the bark may be used medicinally if dried properly. Do not boil wild cherry bark.
WormwoodWormwood is not to be used if pregnant.
HerbsSpecial Precautions
HerbsSpecial Precautions
HerbsSpecial Precautions

—References— “Advanced Treatise in Herbology” by – Edward E. Shook, N.D., D.C.  Copyright by Wendell W. Whitman 302 E. Winona Avenue, Warsaw, IN  46580.

—References— “American Botanical Counsel”,

—References— Business

—References— “”

—References—   Healing Herbal Teas A complete guide to Making Delicious, healthful, beverages, by Brigitte mars, A.H.G., Copyright 2006, ISBN-13: 978-1-59120-110-6, ISBN-10: 1-59120-110-1

—References— “Medical Herbalism The science and practice of herbal medicine, by David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, copyright 2003. ISBN: 0-892821-749-6

—References— Medicine

—References— “Nutritional Herbology” by – Mark Pedersen, Copyright 2008, ISBN – 10: 1-885653-07-7; ISBN – 13: 978-1-885653-07-9

—References—  “Planetary Herbology by – Michael Tierra, C.A., N.D., Copyright 1988, ISBN: 0-941524-27-2

—References— “Prescription for Nutrition Healing” by – Phyllis A. Balch, CNC    Copyright 2006 ,  ISBN: 1-58333-236-7

—References—  The Healing Herbs The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Powers of Nature’s Medicines by Michael Castleman, Copyright 1991,ISBN: 0-87857-934-6

—References— “The Ultimate Healing System – The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition” by – Donald Lepore, N.D.

 Copyright 1985, ISBN: 0-94717-11560-7

—References—  Wikipedia The Free


Generated on January 22, 2009

Updated on February 4, 2009

Updated on 3/4/2023

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