Generated August 16, 2010
Seeds and Nut Butters and Milks
Bernard Jensen, Ph.D., N.D. states from the book “The Chemistry of Man” Second Edition; People do not chew seed and nut long enough or well enough for proper digestion and assimilation and this is why people should make Seed and Nut Butters. Here is how he would do a few of them —
To make the seed and nut butters simply by putting them through a Champion Juicer, available at many health and natural food stores.
Sesame Seed Milk – ¼ cup sesame seeds to 2 cups of water, raw milk or goat milk. Place in blender and blend 1-1/2 minutes. Strain through fine wire strainer or 2-4 layers of cheesecloth. This is to remove the hulls. Add 1 tablespoon carob powder and 6-8 dates. For flavor and added nutritional value, any one of the following may be added to this drink: banana, stewed raisins, apple or cherry concentrate, date powder or grape sugar. Your own imagination or taste may dictate other combinations of fruits or juices. Whenever adding anything, run in blender again to mix. This milk may also be used as the basis for salad dressings.
Dr. Jensen believes that sesame seed milk is one of our best drinks. It is a wonderful drink for gaining weight, for lubricating the intestinal tract, and its nutritional value is beyond compare, as it is high in protein and minerals. This is the seed used in the making of Tahini, a sesame seed oil dressing.Other uses for sesame seeds: Salad dressing, added to vegetable broth, added to fruits, mixed with nut butter of any kind, for after-school snacks; use on cereals for breakfast, add to whey drinks to adjust intestinal sluggishness, twice daily with banana to gain weight; add supplements such as flaxseed meal or rice polishing.
Almond Nut Milk – Use blanched or unblanched almonds. Other nuts may be used also. Soak nuts overnight in apple or pineapple juice or honey water. This softens the nut meats. Then put 3 ounces of soaked nuts in 5 ounces of water and blend for 2 to 2 ½ minutes in the liquefier. Flavor with honey, any kind of fruit, concentrates of apple or cherry juices, strawberry juice, carob powder, dates or bananas,. This can also be used with any of the vegetable juices.
Almond nut milk can be used with soups and vegetarian roasts as a flavoring. Use over cereals, too. Almond milk makes a very alkaline drink, high in protein, easy to assimilate.
Pumpkin Seed or Sunflower Seed Milk — The same principle as is used for making nut milks can be employed to make sunflower seed milk; i.e., soaking overnight, liquefying and flavoring with fruits and juices. Use in the diet the same way as the almond nut milk. It is best to use whole sunflower seeds and blend them yourself. However, if you do not have a Liquefier, the sunflower seed meal can be used. Add seeds or nuts. NO Peanuts!
Soy Milk – Soy milk powder is found universally in health food stores.
Add 4 tablespoons soy milk powder to one pint of water. Sweeten with raw sugar, honey or molasses, and add a pinch of vegetable salt. For flavor, you can add any kind of fruit, apple or cherry concentrate, carob powder, dates and bananas. You can add any other natural sweetener.
Keep in refrigerator. Use this milk in any recipe as you would regular cow’s milk. It closely resembles the taste and composition of cow’s milk and will sour just as quickly.
Therefore, it should not be made in too large quantities or too far ahead of time.
August 16, 2010