Tangerine peel

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Tangerine peel

2 min read

Tangerine Peel is traditional use have benefits in eating tangerine peels. The peel contains a super-flavonoid, or antioxidant, called tangeretin. Super-flavonoids have shown promise in studies as an effective way to lower cholesterol. Having healthy levels of vitamin C in your body has been tied to having healthy .

Herbalists trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have used mature mandarin orange peel, to improve digestion, relieve intestinal gas and , and resolve phlegm. This peel acts primarily on the digestive and respiratory systems.

Tangerine is a citrus fruit that grows in tropical areas of Asia. People take tangerine peel by mouth for , , clogged arteries, cancer prevention, chemotherapy side effects, colon and rectal , irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Liver disease, and Lung cancer.

Tangerine fruit and peel can be eaten as a food. Tangerine fruit can also be made into a juice.

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Botanical name:  Bergamota, Citrus nobilis, Citrus reticulate, Culate Mandarin, Gan Ju, Mandarin, Mandarin Orange, Mandarina, Mandarina, Mandarina, Mandarine Orange, Mandarinen, Mandarinenbaum, Mandarinier, Ponkan, Santara, Småcitrus, Swatow Orange, Tangerina. #

Chinese Botanical name: Chenpi, chen pi, or chimpi

—Physiological Character— Antigastric, Antihistaminic, Antispasmodic, Aromatic, Bitter, Carminative, Decongestant, Digestive, Digestive Tonic, Gastrostimulant, Orexigenic, Secretolytic. #

 —Tradition— The cut peel is traditionally used as a tea, and the powdered peel is used to add a sweet, fizzy flavor to drinks. Many cosmetics call for peel in either cut form or as a powder. Its light flavor makes it easy to add into tea blends, and the peel can also be incorporated into jams, jellies, stir-fry dishes and many other culinary creations.  Balancing the function of the and Stomach, tangerine peel, also called Mandarin peel, is helpful for balancing Qi, or vital energy. Tangerine peel’s warm essence helps to clear phlegm and eliminate dampness in the Stomach and upper abdominal area.

—Energetics— Warming and drying

—Family— N.O. Rutaceae

—Parts Used— Fruit, flowers, peel.

—Medicinal Action and Uses— The oil is used chiefly as a flavoring agent, but may be used in the same way as oil of turpentine in chronic . It is non-irritant to the and pleasant to take.

On the Continent an infusion of dried flowers is used as a mild nervous stimulant.

The powdered Orange peel should be dried. For flavoring, the sweet peel is better, and as a tonic, that of the Seville or Bigaradia is preferred. Orange peel can be used fresh.

A syrup and an elixir are used for flavoring, and a wine as a vehicle for medicines. The compound wine is too dangerous as an intoxicant, being mixed with absinthium, to be recommended as a tonic.


—References—Advanced Treatise in Herbology” by – Edward E. Shook, N.D., D.C.  Copyright by Wendell W. Whitman 302 E. Winona Avenue, Warsaw, IN  46580.

—References— Business Dictionare.com http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/anaerobic.html

—References— “Dicitionary.com” http://www.dictionary.com

—References— “From the Shepherd’s Purse” by – Max G. Barlow, Copyright 1990, ISBN 0-9602812-0-7.

—References—Healing Herbal Teas” A Complete Guide to Making Delicious, Healthful Beverages.  By – Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. ISBN – 13: 978-59120-110-6 and ISBN – 10: 1-59120-110-1 Copyright 2006

—References— Herbal Medicine The Natural Way to Get Well and Stay Well; By Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph. D ISBN – 0-517-147647-x; Copyright 1996

—References— Medicine Net.com http://www.medterms.com

—References— Medical Herbalism The Science and practice of herbal medicine by David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG, Copyright 2003, ISBN – 0-89281-749-6 

—References— “Nutritional Herbology” A Reference Guide to By – Mark Pedersen ISBN: 1-885653-07-7 Copyright 2008

—References— Planetary Herbology by – Michael Tierra, C.A., N.D., Copyright 1988, ISBN – 0-941524-27-2

—References— “Prescription for Nutrition Healing” by – Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Copyright 2006, ISBN: 1-58333-236-7.

—References—The Healing Herbs – The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicines” by – Michael Castleman; Copyright 1991; ISBN: 0-87857-934-6; Page:  72 – 74

—References—The Ultimate Healing System – The Illustrated Guide to Muscle Testing & Nutrition” by – Donald Lepore, N.D.



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