Therapies for relieving excess conditions Biota and Zizyphus Combination

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Therapies for relieving excess conditions Biota and Zizyphus Combination

6 min read

‘Biota and Zizyphus combination Tea’

Composition Biota, Dong quai, Zizyphus, Lycium fruit, Cistanche, Polygala, Schizandra, Dioscorea, Succinum, Lotus seed, Cuscuta, Siberian ginseng, Acorus, Astragalus, Ophiopogon, Hoelen, Rehmannia, Polygonatum

Properties Cardiotonic, Carminative, Diuretic, Adaptogen, Antidepressant

General description Biota and Zizyphus combination is a nerve tonic and a tonic. The herbs work to increase blood circulation, improve digestion, relieve depression, increase the flow of urine and allow the body to more quickly responds to .  It is used to treat general weakness and debility resulting from chronic nervous disorders.

Another way to cleanse the body of toxins is by stimulating blood circulation, which increases blood flow to muscles and joints.  To accomplish this without straining the heart, we can use herbs that stimulate peripheral circulation.

Another way to cleanse the body of toxins is by having the digestive system in good working order, as nutrients must be properly absorbed in order for to operate at its peak.  Bitter teas (tonics) may be helpful here. 

Chinese herbalists describe this herbal combination as a fire enhancing formula.  It also enhances the earth and metal elements, reducing the wood and water elements. Biota and Zizyphus combination has traditionally been used to treat exhaustion, heart palpitations, angina, pains, , depression, , weak digestion, frequent urination, back pains, anemia and dry skin.

This formula is commonly used in conjunction with the vitamin C family, polyunsaturated fatty acids and hawthorn berries.

·        Imbalances: indicating the use of this formula are commonly noted in the stress acupressure point located on the forehead between the eyes.   Imbalances are often noted at the 2:30 position of the left iris.

∞      Individual Components

—Biota seed— contains compounds that have a sedative effect.  These compounds also have a mild laxative effect.  Biota has been used to treat heart palpitations, insomnia, debility and constipation.

 —Zizyphus— contains bitter compounds that have a sedative effect, relieve pains, reduce fevers and lower blood pressure.  It has been used to treat insomnia, heart palpitations, night sweats and nervous tension.

—Cistanche herb— contains bitter compounds that enhance the production of urine, rejuvenate renal function and have a mild laxative effect.  It has been used to treat impotence, frequent urination and chronic constipation.

—Schizandra fruit— contains bitter compounds that allow the body to more quickly responds to stress.  This increases the body’s capacity for work and decreases fatigue.  These compounds also increase blood circulation, blood sugar and bile production while lowering blood pressure.  Schizandra also contains astringent compounds that increase the contraction of the heart muscle and the uterus and are antiseptic.  The herb has been used to treat heart palpitations, dropsy, nervous exhaustion, asthma, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, night sweats, seminal emissions, insomnia, frequent urination and anxiety.

—Succinum resin— contains aromatic compounds that increase the flow of urine and increase blood circulation. These compounds also relieve pains, are antiseptic and have a sedative effect.  Succinum has been used to treat insomnia, heart palpitations, , urinary tract infections, kidney stones, amenorrhea and coronary heart disease.

—Cuscuta seed— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, detoxify the , lower blood pressure, enhance heart action and normalize liver functions.  Cuscuta has been used to treat lumbago, impotence, frequent urination, kidney stones, poor eye-sight and nocturnal emissions.

—Acorus root— contains aromatic compounds that have a sedative effect, increase the production of digestive fluids, relieve muscle spasms, lower blood pressure, reduce fevers and are antiseptic.  Acorus has been used to treat nervous tension, depression, epilepsy, poor appetite, gastritis and flatulence.

—Ophiopogon root— contains bitter compounds that have a sedative effect, promote the production of mucosal fluids, reduce muscle spasms and have an antiseptic effect.  In addition, the herb lowers blood sugar and regenerates beta cells in the islets of langerhorn of the pancreas. Ophiopogon has been used to treat insomnia, coronary heart palpitations, fear and dry coughs.

—Rehmannia root— contains astringent compounds that stop bleeding and reduce especially in the digestive system.  The herb also contains bitter compounds that reduce capillary fragility.  It has been used to treat ulcers, menorrhagia, thirst, diabetes, constipation, anemia and infertility.

—Dong quai root— contains aromatic compounds that relieve smooth muscle spasms especially in the uterus, have a sedative effect and increase the production of digestive fluids. It also contains bitter compounds that regulate glycogen production in the liver, pain and inflammation, increase blood flow, especially to the heart, lower blood cholesterol, normalize uterine contractions and are antiseptic.  Dong quai is an excellent herbal source of iron, magnesium and niacin.  It has been used to treat anemia, abdominal pains, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, , coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, indigestion and headaches.

—Lycium fruit— contains bitter compounds that lower blood sugar, promote the regeneration of liver cells and lower blood cholesterol. It has been used to treat atherosclerosis, backache, impotence, vertigo, poor eyesight and diabetes.

—Polygala root— contains bitter compounds that decrease the thickness and increase the production of mucosal fluids, have a sedative effect and are antiseptic.  These compounds also lower blood pressure and increase uterine tension.  Polygala has been used to treat insomnia, heart palpitations, ulcers, inflammatory skin conditions, bronchitis and nervous tension.

—Dioscorea root— contains mucilaginous compounds that decrease the thickness and increase the production of mucosal fluids, enhance the efficiency of healing and increase the production of digestive fluids.  It has been used to treat lack of appetite, diarrhea, asthma, dry coughs, nocturnal emissions, frequent urination, diabetes and inflammatory skin conditions.

—Lotus seed— contains mucilaginous compounds that absorb toxins from the digestive system and relieve smooth muscle spasms.  It also contains astringent compounds that shrink inflamed tissue.  Lotus seed has been used to treat chronic diarrhea, lack of appetite, insomnia and heart palpitations.

—Siberian ginseng root— contains bitter compounds that help the body respond more quickly to stress.  These compounds increase the production of DNA, RNA and proteins essential to all life processes.  They also stimulate the adrenals, pancreas, and pituitary glands to lower blood sugar and reduce inflammation.  Ginseng also increases the production of digestive fluids and is a mild sedative.  It has been used to treat anemia, impotence, insomnia, diarrhea, fatigue, debility, weak digestion and failing memory.

—Astragalus root— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, are antiseptic, increase the production of digestive fluids including bile and relieve muscle spasms.  Astragalus also contains mucilaginous compounds that enhance immune response, increasing the production of lymphocytes and macrophages.  The herb also increases heart action and lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.  It has been used to treat fatigue, debility, urinary tract infections, edema, nephritis, ulcers, prolapse of organs and night sweats.

—Hoelen herb— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, decrease blood sugar and have a sedative effect.  It has been used to treat edema, dropsy, diarrhea, insomnia, frequent urination and heart palpitations.

—Polygonatum root— contains bitter compounds that have a cardiotonic effect that increases heart rate and lowers blood pressure.  These compounds initially raise blood sugar then lower it.  It is used to treat diabetes, coronary heart disease, tuberculosis and dry coughs.

—References— “Nutritional Herbology” A Reference Guide to Herbs By – Mark Pedersen ISBN: 1-885653-07-7 Copyright 2008

—References— “Medical Herbalism” The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG ISBN: 0-89281-749-6 Copyright 2003



Recipe: Used equal ratios of Biota; Zizyphus; Cistanche; Schizandra; Succinum; Cuscuta; Acorus; Ophiopogon; Rehmannia; Dong quai; Lycium fruit; Polygala; Dioscorea; Lotus seed; Siberian ginseng; Astragalus; Hoelen; Polygonatum and steep in a teapot for 2 to 5 minutes.  Add honey and drink.

Recipe: Used equal ratios of Biota; Zizyphus; Cistanche; Schizandra; Succinum; Cuscuta; Acorus; Ophiopogon; Rehmannia; Dong quai; Lycium fruit; Polygala; Dioscorea; Lotus seed; Siberian ginseng; Astragalus; Hoelen; Polygonatum and steep in a teapot for 2 to 5 minutes.  Add 1 teaspoon hawthorn berries; Add honey to taste.



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Generated on December 15, 2008

Updated on October 14, 2009

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