Therapies for relieving excess conditions Ginseng and Licorice  

Therapies for relieving excess conditions Ginseng and Licorice  

‘Ginseng and Licorice Combination Tea'  

Composition Siberian ginseng, Citrus, Licorice, Dong quai, Atractylodes, Saussurea, Hoelen, Magnolia bark, Ginger, Chaenomeles, Dioscorea, Zanthoxylum, Lotus seed, Pinellia Dolichos, Galanga Astragalus, Cardamon.

Properties , Anti-inflammatory, Stimulant, Demulcent, Immunostimulant, , Antiseptic

General description

Ginseng and Licorice combination is a general tonic formula.  The formula works to rejuvenate and enhance the digestive, circulatory and immune functions. The herbs increase the production of digestive fluids and enzymes, increase blood circulation, enhance immune responses, are antiseptic and reduce inflammation.  

Chinese herbalists would describe this herbal combination as an earth enhancing formula.  It also enhances the metal and fire elements while reducing the water and wood elements.  

Ginseng and Licorice combination has traditionally been used to treat hemorrhoids, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, poor appetite, ulcers, colitis, indigestion, fatigue, chills, flu, leg cramps, poor circulation, hernia, depression and 

Ginseng and Licorice combination is commonly used in conjunction with the complex of B vitamins, the vitamin C family, nettle, rose hip and orange peel.  

·        Imbalances: indicating the use of this formula are commonly noted in the stomach acupressure point located one inch below and one inch to the left of the sternum.  Imbalances are often noted at the 7 o'clock position of the left iris.

∞      Individual Components  

—Siberian ginseng root— contains bitter compounds that help the body respond more quickly to stress.  These compounds increase the production of DNA, RNA and proteins essential to all life processes.  They also stimulate the adrenal, pancreas, and pituitary glands to lower blood sugar and reduce inflammation.  Ginseng increases the production of digestive fluids and is a mild sedative.  It had been used to treat anemia, impotence insomnia, diarrhea, fatigue debility, weak digestion and failing memory. 

—Licorice root— contains bitter compounds that reduce inflammation, decrease the thickness and increase the production of mucosal fluids and relieve muscle spasms.  In addition, licorice stimulates adrenal functions, reduces the urge to cough, is mildly laxative and enhances immune response.  It has been used to treat coughs, colds, arthritis, asthma, , Addison's disease, and atherosclerosis.  

—Atractylodes root— contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic, increase the production of digestive fluids and enzymes, increase blood pressure, are laxative, stimulate liver function and increase the flow of urine.  It has been used to treat dyspepsia, flatulence, loss of appetite, nausea, indigestion, rheumatic arthritis and night blindness. 

—Hoelen— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, decrease blood sugar and have a sedative effect.  It has been used to treat edema, dropsy, diarrhea, insomnia, frequent urination and heart palpitations. 

—Ginger root— contains aromatic compounds that increase the production of digestive fluids and enzymes, lower blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. It also contains bitter compounds that reduce muscle spasms increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.  Ginger is an excellent herbal source of trace minerals especially silicon, magnesium, and manganese.  It has been used to treat nausea, , flatulence, colds, coughs, indigestion, fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, chronic and cold hands and feet. 

—Dioscorea root— contains mucilaginous compounds that decrease the thickness and increase the production of mucosal fluids, enhance the efficiency of healing and increase the production of digestive fluids.  It has been used to treat lack of appetite, diarrhea, asthma, dry coughs, nocturnal emissions, frequent urination, diabetes and inflammatory conditions. 

—Lotus seed— contains mucilaginous compounds that absorb toxins from the digestive system and relieve smooth muscle spasms.  It also contains astringent compounds that shrink inflamed tissue.  Lotus seed has been used to treat chronic diarrhea, lack of appetite, insomnia and heart palpitations. 

—Dolichos seed— contains mucilaginous compounds that absorb toxins from the bowel and soothe inflamed tissues. These compounds also lower blood sugar and blood cholesterol and give bulk to the stool.  Dolichos has been used to treat fevers, chills, diarrhea, nausea, food poisoning, intoxication and sunstroke.  

—Astragalus root— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, are antiseptic, increase the production of digestive fluids including bile and relieve muscle spasms.  Astragalus also contains mucilaginous compounds that enhance immune response, increasing the production of lymphocytes and macrophages.  The herb also increases heart action and lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.  It has been used to treat fatigue, debility, urinary tract infections, edema, nephritis, ulcers, prolapse of organs and night sweats. 

—Citrus peel— contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic, reduce muscle spasms and decrease the thickness while increase the production of mucosal fluids.  It also contains bitter compounds that are anti-inflammatory, reduce muscle spasms, increase the production of digestive fluid and increase blood circulation.  Citrus peel has been used to treat coughs, colds, flu, fevers and bronchitis. 

—Dong quai root— contains aromatic compounds that relieve smooth muscle spasms especially in the uterus, have a sedative effect and increase the production of digestive fluids. It also contains bitter compounds that regulate glycogen production in the liver, reduce pain and inflammation, increase blood flow especially to the heart, lower blood cholesterol, normalize uterine contractions and are antiseptic.  Dong quai is an excellent herbal source of iron, magnesium and niacin.  It has been used to treat anemia, abdominal pains, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, arthritis, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, indigestion and . 

—Saussurea root— contains aromatic compounds that increase the production of digestive fluids, increase blood circulation and are antiseptic.  It also contains bitter compounds that relieve smooth muscle spasms, lower blood pressure and relieve pains. Saussurea has been used to treat gastritis, chest pains, jaundice, gall stones and diarrhea. 

—Magnolia bark— contains bitter compounds that relieve muscle cramps, are antiseptic and have sedative properties.  It has been used to treat gastritis, coughs, asthma, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence. 

—Chaenomeles fruit— contains bitter compounds that relieve muscle spasms and increase the production of digestive fluids.  It has been used to treat rheumatism, rheumatic arthritis, leg cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and dyspepsia.  

—Zanthoxylum bark— contains bitter compounds that are antiseptic, increase the flow of urine, are laxative and relieve pains.  It has been used to treat dyspepsia, abdominal pains, intestinal worms, inflammatory skin conditions and dysentery.  

—Pinellia— contains bitter compounds that decrease the thickness while increasing the production of mucosal fluids, relieve muscle spasms, increase the production of digestive fluids and absorb toxins.  Pinellia root must be processed with alum or ginger root before ingestion since it is toxic.  It has been used to treat morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory , ulcers and blood poisoning. 

—Galanga root— contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic, increase the production of digestive fluids and increase blood circulation.  It also contains bitter compounds that relieve smooth muscle spasms.  Galanga has been used to treat dyspepsia, gastritis, flatulence, chronic enteritis, poor circulation and vomiting.  

—Cardamon fruit— contains aromatic compounds that promote sweating, increase the production of digestive fluids, and reduce smooth muscle spasms especially in the intestine and uterus.  It has been used to treat diarrhea, to prevent miscarriage and to treat dyspepsia. 

—Nettle— contains bitter compounds that increase the flow of urine, are antiseptic and relieve pains.  It also contains astringent compounds that shrink inflamed tissues and stop bleeding. Nettle has been used to treat urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, inflammatory skin conditions, diarrhea and asthma. 

—Rose hip— contains bitter compounds called bioflavonoids which enhance the absorption of vitamin C and strengthen connective tissue.  This results in decreased capillary fragility.  It also contains astringent compounds which shrink inflamed tissues and reduce the secretion of mucosal fluids.  Rose hips is an excellent herbal source of vitamin C.  It has been used to treat the common cold, influenza, fevers, infections, inflammatory skin conditions, easy bruising, varicose veins, debility, capillary fragility and hemorrhoids.  

—Orange peel— contains aromatic compounds that are antiseptic, reduce muscle spasms and decrease the thickness while increase the production of mucosal fluids.  It also contains bitter compounds that are anti-inflammatory, reduce muscle spasms, increase the production of digestive fluid and increase blood circulation.  Citrus peel has been used to treat coughs, colds, flu, fevers and bronchitis. 

—Vitamin B complex— help to maintain the health of the nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver, and mouth, as well as healthy muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and proper brain function. 

—Vitamin C— is an antioxidant that is required for at least three hundred metabolic functions in the body, including tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland function, and healthy gums.  It also aids in the production of antistress hormones and interferon, an important immune system protein, and is needed for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. Studies have shown that taking vitamin C can reduce symptoms of asthma.  It protects against the harmful effects of pollution, helps to prevent cancer, protects against infection, and enhances immunity.  Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.  It can combine with toxic substances, such as certain heavy metals, and render them harmless so that they can be eliminated from the body.  

—References— “Medical Herbalism” The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine By – David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG; ISBN: 0-89281-749-6 Copyright 2003 

—References—“Nutritional Herbology” A Reference Guide to Herbs By – Mark Pedersen; ISBN: 1-885653-07-7 Copyright 2008 

—References— “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” Fourth Edition a practical A to Z reference to drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements By – Phyllis A. Balch, CNC; ISBN: 1-58333-236-7 Copyright 2006 

Recipe:  Per teapot full – Equal Parts of – Siberian ginseng, licorice, atractylodes, hoelen, ginger, dioscorea, lotus seed, dolichos, astragalus, citrus, dong quai, saussurea, magnolia bark, chaenomeles, zanthoxylum, pinellia, galanga cardamon. Steep 3 to 4 minute add honey. 

Recipe: Per teapot full – Equal Parts of – Siberian ginseng, licorice, atractylodes, hoelen, ginger, dioscorea, lotus seed, dolichos, astragalus, citrus, dong quai, saussurea, magnolia bark, chaenomeles, zanthoxylum, pinellia, galanga cardamon and add 1 teaspoon of any one of these herbs [Nettle, Rosehip, Orange peel]. Steep 3 to 4 minute add honey.  


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Generated on October 14, 2009

Updated on October 14, 2009

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